Fortune Magazine Artikel: Doomsday

Einen sehr interessanten Artikel zu ID-Software und dem Business in dem sich ID bewegt, gibt es auf der Internet Seite des Fortune Magazins. Bemerkenswert ist die Feststellung das ID-Software das Wort Risiko Streuung nicht kennt. Alle Spiele Titel die entwickelt wurden bisher, waren reine Blockbuster Titel. Bei einer Entwicklungszeit von 4 Jahren für Doom3 ist es nicht ganz unriskant alles auf eine Karte zu setzen oder? 🙂

Wie man sieht, funktioniert das Geschäftsmodell von ID hervorragend. Eine kleine schlagkräftige Truppe die absolut auf Qualität setzt.

Can legendary id software still compete in the industry it helped create?

“The headquarters of America’s most infamous videogame developer lie ten miles east of downtown Dallas and across the street from a Hooters.

…So far, that kind of faith has paid off: Over the past ten years co-founder John Carmack’s technology and the warped minds of the id creative team have run up a perfect track record. Every one of their games, from Wolfenstein 3D to Quake III, has been successful. But can a reliance on creating a nonstop stream of megahits be considered a prudent business plan?

…Most entrepreneurs might express some anxiety if they were about to release a product that could single-handedly determine the fate of their company

..The first edition of Doom launched the genre of “first-person shooter” videogames, eventually took in $200 million, and changed the industry forever

…id’s next release, 1996’s quake, was another commercial success, selling $214 million

…Since 1996, games powered by id’s engines have generated $1 billion in sales—and tens of millions in licensing fees for id.

…For id to succeed, its next game, Doom 3—four years in the making—must be a monster hit.
Colin Sebastian, an analyst with San Francisco-based Soundview Technology Group, says that a suitor could pay $500 million for id. ”

Source: Fortune Magazine – Doomsday

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