Spam: Statistik 9/10 Emails sind Spam

Die Statistik zum absolut nervigsten Thema! Ich bekomme auch mehrere Emails tagtäglich mit dubiosen Anhängen im PIF Format. Sehr verbreitet sind auch die Emails des Nigerianischen Finanzministers, der meine Unterstützung für Transferzahlungen auf die Caymen Inseln benötigt!
Die SPAM Commments in meinem Blog häufen sich leider auch…Grrr!

MARINA DEL REY, Calif., Sept. 8, 2004 – FrontBridge Technologies Inc., the leader in enterprise message management and email security, today released its latest statistics on business email. Spam volume peaked at a record-high 90 percent in Aug. 2004, topping a previous 2004 high of 85 percent set in June. The statistic on spam volume was compiled by a specialized spam analyst team, crunching network traffic data for more than 2,200 enterprise customers representing over 15,000 email domains. FrontBridge’s spam and virus analyst team reviewed 3.1 billion messages in August. Over the course of
the month, FrontBridge blocked 2.5 billion spam messages and 34 million virus-infected emails. Spam volume hit the 90 percent high on Aug. 30. This new high can in part be attributed to spam associated with back-to-school offers and a flood of politically motivated email. Since FrontBridge first began filtering spam in 2000, the volume of spam has grown by an astounding 1600 percent. Furthermore, by some estimates, the amount of spam will triple over the next three years. This deluge of unwanted email translates into loss of employee productivity, potential legal liabilities and direct infrastructure and security costs to the corporations that are being targeted by spammers.

Quelle: FrontBridge_August_Statistics.pdf (application/pdf Object)

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