• A look back.

  • A State of Trance Episode 700. THE institution in Trance Music.


  • [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxabLA7UQ9k?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

    Hans Zimmer “Time” from the movie soundtrack of Inception. The song is capturing the atmosphere of the movie in way that can only be described as perfect. 

  • I discovered audiobooks for me

    As I travel quite a bit every week, I needed a type of lean back entertainment. Watching TV-Shows is one or reading a book is another, as long as you sit down and do not need to pay attention to something. But while driving or walking I was either listening to music or podcasts. From podcasts the jump to audiobooks was not that far. I gave audible (from Amazon) a try and being so far pretty satisfied with it. Great selection of content, kind of subscription model (a monthly subscription allows you to download one title a month), and an app that (nearly) does the job. A little bit surprising is the fact that you cannot buy content through the mobile app but instead you need to go through the website. Anyhow, that just a minor break in the user experience. I currently enjoy listening to Tom Clancy while commuting to the office. 

  • Consider the Starbucks loyalty card, which consumers buy pre-loaded with cash. In early 2014, Starbucks said consumers loaded $1.4 billion to those payment platforms. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, in 2013 Starbucks made $146MM on interest investing the float, or 8% of total profit.

  • Dubai JBR and Marina.

  • The Panorama photo function on the iPhone is awesome. Dubai marina impressions.

  • Economist: The future of jobs – The onrushing wave

    Economist: The future of jobs – The onrushing wave

  • Dubai sunset.