• Climbin’ (Piano Weapon) with Doorly by Shadow Child | Free Listening on SoundCloud

    Climbin’ (Piano Weapon) with Doorly by Shadow Child on #SoundCloud

    Climbin’ (Piano Weapon) with Doorly by Shadow Child | Free Listening on SoundCloud

  • luxuryera:

    Aᴘᴘʟᴇ Wᴀᴛᴄʜ | Photographer

  • Last song for today
  • [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivUQNue05Y8?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

    Awesome deep house track. 

  • By the time he turned twenty-two, Daniel Ek had achieved his life’s ambition: he was rich. A gifted programmer, he had been making money by working on Internet-based tech products since he was fourteen. After selling an Internet advertising company called Advertigo, in 2006, he retired. He rented a big place in Stockholm. He bought a red Ferrari and drove it to night clubs, where he arranged for good tables for friends and attractive female companions, whom he plied with expensive champagne. He lived like this for a year or so, until one morning he awoke to a startling realization. “I was completely depressed,” he said.

    “I realized the girls I was with weren’t very nice people,” Ek went on, “that they were just using me, and that my friends weren’t real friends. They were people who were there for the good times, but if it ever turned ugly they’d leave me in a heartbeat. I had always wanted to belong and I had been thinking that this was going to get solved when I had money, and instead I had no idea how I wanted to live my life. And no one teaches you what to do after you achieve financial independence. So I had to confront that.”

  • HFT – High Frequency Trading explained


    GIF search is a cool new feature Tumblr introduced. While reading an article about HFT I could not stop thinking about the Wolf of Wall Street and this specific scene. 

  • [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM6XG1DOwrs?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

    Best version of Live Forever. 20 years have passed.

  • The Munchery Model

    Munchery is a full stack, end-to-end meal provider that specializes in delivery. It isn’t a restaurant and it isn’t a delivery service. It’s a whole new type of business that provides the quality of restaurant food with the convenience of ordering in. Using Munchery’s app or website, customers order from a daily changing menu. An average day might feature 50 unique items including entrees like spicy clam and chorizo pasta and chimichurri flank steak.

    Before Munchery, a restaurant that offered this level of variety and culinary quality would have been very, very difficult to scale. Munchery addresses this by centralizing cooking into a single kitchen optimized for large quantities and investing in the latest cooking technology, such as programmable, WiFi-enabled, high-capacity ovens that use a combination of dry and moist heat. Technology like this automates the predictable, rote parts of cooking, which in turn allows Munchery chefs — drawn from top local talent — to focus on creating the best dishes possible.